British Waterways dissuades visitors to Kinver by restricting mooring to one day in any 28 -day period. How they regulate this when hire boats return every week with a different crew I am not clear. We were able to stay for four days thanks to the rain. We received an email from a reader with a permanent mooring in Kinver who was unable to return to it because the River Severn was too high to navigate. We took advantage of the offer to use their space allowing us to visit the Country Fair on Sunday.
The High Street at 11.30am |
For this event the High Street was closed and traffic diverted around the town centre.
Burrell Engine Endurance arriving for the fair |
People seemed to hve come from all over the Black Country and thronged the streets ...
...which were still this busy five hours later.
The day started at 11am with a parade of traction engines, classic cars, motorbikes,
heavy horse carts, Morris dancers etc. etc
Even the District nurse found time to attend on her scooter.
New to me was the Pearly King and Queen tradition which I had thought was a feature exclusively of the East End of London.
Some things are universal.
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