As we set off on foot to visit some of the delights of Birmingham this morning nb Chileka arrived and moored opposite us. As it was on the BCNS Explorer cruise with us we know that Chileka is a town in Malawi (Nyasaland in Imperial measures)
As we made our way around the city we discovered more of these floral displays. I particularly like this one.

Of course the most important one is this section.
The inscription reads : Lloyd the banker lived at number 13 in 1770. An early bank motif was a beehive.
Of all the building we visited today the most impressive by far was the old law courts. No photography is permitted and no leaflets or postcards are available so you will have to make your own visit. Try to get into court number 5 or 6 which are particularly interesting. I will try to get some more information for a future post.
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