On our way up or down the Grand Union we often stop near the Tesco supermarket at Leighton Buzzard and take a walk around the town.

Amongst the things it is noted for is the house where Mary Norton wrote the series of children's book The Borrowers.
It is now a school.
Note for younger readers -
these are telephone kiosks which we used before the cellular phone was invented
Almost next door is All Saints' Church which is famous for its medieval graffiti.
This depicts Simon and Nellie who fell out over whether to boil or bake some fruit and flour for the impending visit of their son and daughter-in-law. Nellie is seen here pulling Simon's ear before deciding to compromise by both first boiling and then baking the ingredients. The resulting cake was well received and has led to the claim that SIMon and NELlie invented the SIMNEL cake which we traditional eat on Mothering Sunday.
Not far from the canal is this handy reminder of the commercial activities of Leighton Buzzard with graphic depictions on both sides of each disc.
Like the Canal
But perhaps these are the ones you were waiting for.
Leighton Buzzard was once a centre of bra and parachute manufacture.
And on the site where Tesco now stands, Morgan Coachworks applied the Weyman technique developed in Paris first to building car bodies and, when WWI broke out, to manufacturing the Vickers Vimy bomber. Although it was too late to take part in the war it became famous as the chosen plane for many successful world record attempts.
In 1994 a replica of the Vickers Vimy was built and successfully recreated the world record flights - England to Australia; England to South Africa and USA to England. This machine was given to Brooklands Museum who have kept it airworthy and here is a film clip of it flying.
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