Gecko was our home for twelve years whilst we cruised the inland waterways. Now we live ashore.
Monday, 31 January 2011
My readership over the last month is still fairly international. I suspect that a fair proportion of the overseas readers find me through a search engine, judging by the posts that are read. For those who are intersted these are the figures:
% Country
66 - UK
9 - USA
7 - Germany
6 - Netherlands
4 - Australia
2 - Philipines
2 - France
1 - Norway
1 - Hungary
1 - Russia
2 - ROW
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Since we bought our house in Bath (which is available for holidays) I have enjoyed reading the detective stories by Peter Lovesey which are set in that lovely city. The central character is Detective Superintendent Peter Diamond. The last one in the series of ten- Skeleton Hill - I finished lat night and much of the action takes place around Beckford's Tower, my Landmark of the Week.
Saturday, 29 January 2011

Beckford's Tower

William Beckford (1760–1844) is best known for his extraordinary Gothic folly, Fonthill Abbey in Wiltshire. Its massive central tower, 276 feet high, eventually collapsed taking most of the house with it. Forced by debt to sell Fonthill, he bought two adjacent houses in Lansdown Crescent in Bath, and was soon again pursuing his fascination with towers, building another atop the hill above. This time he chose a more sober style, Greek Revival with a hint of Tuscany. | |
Sleeps: 4 Beds: T D Features
The museum and the Tower (not the Landmark) will be open to the public on weekends and Bank Holiday Mondays from 10.30–5.00pm between Easter and October, and occasionally by appointment at other times. |
Friday, 28 January 2011

Last night we attended a recording by BBC 2 of a programme for Book Week.
This took place at the MTV studios near Camden Locks. When travelling from Paddington the building is on the left and has a row of boiled eggs along the parapet.
As the night was relatively clear I took the opportunity of snapping the scene.
The journey? Chiltern Rail to Marylebone anbd No 27 bus to Camden Lock.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
There is a discussion going on at present over whether our oldest nationalised industry - The Forestry Commission - should be dissolved and the woodlands sold to the private sector.
The last CEO of The Forestry Commission has just stated on Radio 4 that the annual cost of maintaining the national forests is £10m and the annual subsidy to private forestry owners is £36m.
I think this puts all the other arguments about access etc into the shade.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Eighteen years ago I had my hips replaced and each year I get them X-rayed so that the surgeon can review their progress. Since the surgeon was in the RAF and the hospital at Halton was closed down he left the RAF and the NHS which means that I have to obtain a copy of my X-ray for him to view. In the early days this request was often refused for all kinds of spurious reasons and even when they were forced to comply it was accompanied by comments about private patients using NHS services. Now everything is digital it only takes a few minutes to make a CD copy but here in Bucks they have created other methods to complicate the process.
After the X-ray is taken there is a form to complete which involves the ubiquitous demand for a utility bill to confirm residence. Then this form has to be taken away for someone to witness your signature and confirm how long they have known you and in what capacity. The form is then returned to the hospital. When the copy is ready it may be collected on production of photographic ID. Sometime later a bill will arrive through the post.
On Jan 7 I had my X-ray done and the form completed and witnessed on the spot.
On Jan 24 I rang the hospital to find out what was happening to be told that "there is a big pile to do. Is it urgent?"
What planet do these people live on? What do they think NHS stands for? Last time I had the X-ray done in Bath it was copied to CD whilst I waited for 10 minutes.
Surely it would be quicker and cheaper to take my money at the time of the X-ray and post it on if it could not be copied to CD immediately. It really can't take 17 days to copy a CD, can it?
From my very meagre experience it seems to me that there is defiantly room for cost savings and improvements in efficiency in the NHS.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
The Bath Tower

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Wednesday, 19 January 2011
I came across this concept in the 1960s reading Vance Packard's The Wast Makers and Hidden Persuaders although it had probably been around for about 30 years.
Here in Aylesbury the Civic Centre which must have been built in the 1960s is being demolished now that the shiny new Waterside Theatre is open. Many of the building of that era seem to be suffering this entirely justified fate.
There is unlikely to be any need to demolish the Waterside Theatre as it has already started to self-destruct.
Even if this were not the case, the use of timber in external decoration is never going to last more than 18 months before it looks derelict. Why architects and planners persist in pandering to their egos rather than giving due consideration to the function or maitneance of their constructions beats me.
And now the coping stones in front of the theatre are falling apart.
Apparently it is meant to represent the rolling Chiltern Hills.
Shame it is neither a local building material nor technique.
It reminds me of wartime sandbags.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Appleton Water Tower

A public-spirited local landowner gave us a lease of this exceptional Victorian tower. (situated on Sandringham Estate so I wonder who that could be)There is seldom an opportunity to preserve a functional building such as this, let alone one of such quality. It was designed by Robert Rawlinson and the foundation stone was laid in July 1877 by the Princess of Wales. On the ground and first floor was a dwelling for the custodian, with a viewing room above reached by an outside stair. The flues from all the fireplaces passed through the centre of the iron tank to prevent the water from freezing – a typically Victorian idea, original, simple and practical. My lasting memory of our holiday here was sitting in a deckchair on top of the water tank and watching the combine harvesters chugging up and down the fields below. | | Sleeps: 2+2 Beds: T (D) Features
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Where were you at midnight?
Whilst she who must be obeyed was sick in bed with 'flu I went up smoke.
The evening started in The Salisbury in St. Martin's Lane for a pre-prandial drink.
We ended up in Trafalgar Square, watching it on the TV screen but the atmosphere was very good despite the fountains not being available nowadays. Last time I celebrate the New Year in London, about 45 years ago, we had no fireworks but managed to have fun despite having to sleep on the floor somewhere in Regent St. Poly and then going to work in the morning.